This data set was recorded at the University of Osnabrück, Germany. It contains 29 3D scans and each 3D scan was recorded with remission values. This value quantifies the amount of light that was returned to the scanner, i.e., a grey value. This data set has been used to evaluate object detection functions. In 29 directories the 3D scans are sored. Every 3D scan contains 2D scan slices, that in turn contains the (x, y, range, intensity) value. Please pay attention, that the tuple (x,y) are the coordinate in the slice/plane of the 2D scan. At the beginning of the file the rotation angle of the tilting scanner is specified. Here 0 means there is no tilting, i.e., straight forward horizontal. Minus values denote a rotation towards the ground and at plus values the scanner is turned towards the ceiling.