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The ICP Algorithm was developed by Besl and McKay
[5] and is usually used to register two given point
sets in a common coordinate system. The algorithm calculates
iteratively the registration. In each iteration step, the
algorithm selects the closest points as correspondences and
calculates the transformation, i.e., rotation and translation
), for minimizing the equation
(1) |
, are the number of points in the model set
and data set
, respectively, and
are the weights for a point
match. The weights are assigned as follows:
, if
is the closest point to
otherwise. Eq. (1) can be reduced to
, since the
correspondence matrix can be represented by a vector
the point pairs, i.e.,
, with
the search function returning the closest point. The
assumption is that in the last iteration step the point
correspondences, thus the vector of point pairs, are correct.
In each ICP iteration, the transformation can be calculated by any of
these four methods: A SVD based method of Arun et
al. [1], a quaternion method of Horn [12], an
algorithm using orthonormal matrices of Horn et al. [13]
and a calculation based on dual quaternions of Walker et
al. [24]. These algorithms show similar performance and
stability concerning noisy data [15].
Besl and McKay show that the iteration terminates in a minimum
[5]. Note: Normally, implementations of ICP would use a
maximal distance for closest points to handle partially overlapping
point sets. In this case the proof in [5] does no longer
hold, since the number of points as well as the value of
might increase after applying a transformation.
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