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Data Reduction

The computational expense of the ICP algorithm depends mainly on the number of points. In a brute force implementation the point pairing is in $O(n^2)$. Data reduction reduces the time required for matching. Several approaches have been presented for subsampling the data, including randomized sampling, uniform sampling, normal-space sampling and covariance sampling [20,12]. Randomized sampling selects points at random, uniform sampling draws samples equally distributed samples from the input point cloud. Normal space sampling, as proposed by Rusinkiewicz and Levoy, aims at constraining translational sliding of input meshes, generated from the point cloud [20]. Their algorithm tries to ensure that the normals of the selected points uniformly populate the sphere of directions. Covariance sampling as proposed by Levoy et al. and extends the nomal space approach. They identify whether a pair of meshes will be unstable in the ICP algorithms by estimating a covariance matrix from a sparse uniform sampling of the input [12].

The data reduction proposed here considers the procedure of the scanning process, i.e., the spherical and continuous measurment of the laser. Scanning is noisy and small errors may occur. Two kinds of errors mainly occur: Gaussian noise and so called salt and pepper noise. The latter one occurs for example at edges, where the laser beam of the scanner hits two surfaces, resulting in a mean and erroneous data value. Furthermore reflections lead to suspicious data. Without filtering, only a few outliers lead to multiple wrong point pairs during the matching phase and results in an incorrect 3D scan alignment.

We propose a fast filtering method to reduce and smooth the data for the ICP algorithm. The filter is applied to each 2D scan slice, containing 361 data points. It is a combination of a median and a reduction filter. The median filter removes the outliers (Fig. 3) by replacing a data point with the median value of the $n$ surrounding points (here: $n = 7$). The neighbor points are determined according to their number within the 2D scan, since the laser scanner provides the data sorted in a counter-clockwise direction. The median value is calculated with regards to the Euclidian distance of the data points to the point of origin. In order to remove salt and pepper noise but leave the remaining data untouched, the filtering algorithm replaces a data point with the corresponding median value if and only if the difference (Euclidian distance) between both is larger than a fixed threshold (here: threshold = 200 cm). The data reduction works as follows: The scanner emits the laser beams in a spherical way, such that the data points close to the source are more dense. Multiple data points located close together are joined into one point. This reduction lowers the Gaussian noise. The number of these so called reduced points is in the mine application one order of magnitude smaller than the original one (Fig. 3). Finally the data points of a slice have a minimal distance of 10 cm and approximate the surface. The clue of the algorithm is that it is nearly impossible to detect differences between the median filtered and the reduced data (Fig. 3). The reduction fulfills the sampling criterions stated by Boulanger et al. [6], i.e., sampling the range images, such that the surface curvature is maintained.

The data for the scan matching is collected from every third scan slice. This fast vertical reduction yields a good surface description. Data reduction and filtering are online algorithms and run in parallel to the 3D scanning.

Figure 3: Filtering the data for removing noise and reducing the computational expense for the ICP algorithm. Left: Original data. Middle: median filter. Right: median filtering combined with reduction. Notice: The data points have been connected with lines for better demonstration of effects from the median filter. The reduced and filtered data fits the scanned surface perfectly.
Image filter_org Image filter_med Image filter_red-med

Figure 4: A point cloud of a 3D laser scan taken inside the Mathies Mine (perspective projection). Top left: Viewing pose 2.5 meter behind the scan pose. Top right: Top view. Bottom: Reduced and filtered point cloud. The reduced points have been enlarged. The number of points was reduced from 123101 to 10535.
Image example_scan Image example_scan_top

Image reduced Image reduced_top

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root 2004-03-04