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Item 2: Heuristic Initial Estimations for ICP Scan Matching.

Initial estimations for ICP scan matching are computed with an octree based heuristic. The algorithm sets initially $ \Delta \V
P_$best to the 6-vector $ (\V t, \V R({\theta_{x,{n}}},
{\theta_{y,{n}}}, {\theta_{z,{n}}})) = (\VNull , \V
R(\!\VNull ))$. Then, an octree $ \OctB _M$ for the $ n$th 3D scan (model set $ M$) and an octree $ \OctB _D$ for the $ (n+1)$th 3D scan (data set $ D$) is generated (cf. Fig. 2). The estimation is done for search depth $ t \in
[t_$Start$ ,\ldots,t_$End$ ]$ in the octrees. Hereby a a transformation $ \Delta \V
P_$best$ = (\V t, \V R)$ is computed as follows:
  1. Calculate a maximal displacement and rotation $ \Delta \V
P_$max depending on the search depth $ t$ and currently best transformation $ \Delta \V
  2. For all discrete 6-tuples $ \Delta \V P_i \in [- \Delta \V
P_$max$ ,\Delta \V P_$max$ ]$ in the domain $ \Delta
\V P = (x,y,z,\theta_x, \theta_y,\theta_z)$ displace $ \OctB _D$ by $ \Delta \M P_i \cdot \Delta \M P \cdot \M P_n
$. Evaluate the matching of the two octrees by counting the number of overlapping cubes and save the best transformation as $ \Delta \V

Finally, the scan pose is updated using matrix multiplication, i.e.,

$\displaystyle \M P_{n+1} = \Delta \M P_$best$\displaystyle \cdot \Delta \M P \cdot \M P_{n}.$      

Note: Step 2 requires 6 nested loops, but the computational requirements are bounded by the coarse-to-fine strategy inherited from the octree processing. The size of the octree cubes decreases exponentially with increasing $ t$. We start the algorithm with a cube size of 75 cm$ ^3$ and stop when the cube size falls below 10 cm$ ^3$. Fig. 2 shows two 3D scans and the corresponding octrees. Furthermore, note that this heuristic works best outdoors. Due to the diversity of the environment the match of octree cubes will show a significant maximum, while indoor environments with their many geometry symmetries and similarities, e.g., in a corridor, are in danger of producing many plausible matches.

Figure 2: Left: Two 3D point clouds. Middle: Octree corresponding to the black point cloud. Right: Octree based on the blue points.
\includegraphics[width=0.325\linewidth]{octree1_2} \includegraphics[width=0.325\linewidth]{octree1} \includegraphics[width=0.325\linewidth]{octree2}

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root 2006-03-16