- Extends
- ScoreBoardTeamDeathMatch
+-- Engine.Actor
+-- Engine.Info
+-- Engine.ScoreBoard
+-- XInterface.ScoreBoardDeathMatch
+-- XInterface.ScoreBoardTeamDeathMatch
+-- UT2k4Assault.ScoreBoard_Assault
Inherited Variables from XInterface.ScoreBoardDeathMatch |
AdminText, BoxMaterial, Continue, DeathsText, Ended, FooterText, FPH, FPHTime, FragLimit, GameType, MapName, MatchIDText, MaxLives, NetText, NotReadyText, OutFireText, OutText, PingText, PlayerText, PLText, PointsText, PRIArray[MAXPLAYERS], RankText, ReadyText, Restart, SkillLevel[8], Spacer, TimeLimit, TimeText |
var localized string Attacker;
var localized string AutoRespawn;
var localized string CurrentRound;
var localized string Defender;
var localized string PracticeRoundOver;
var localized string RemainingRoundTime;
var localized string RoundSeparator;
var localized string WaitForReinforcements;
WaitingToSpawnReinforcements Source code
var localized string WaitingToSpawnReinforcements;
var localized string YouLostRound;
var localized string YouWonRound;
function DrawTeam (
int TeamNum,
int PlayerCount,
int OwnerOffset,
Canvas Canvas,
int FontReduction,
int BoxSpaceY,
int PlayerBoxSizeY,
int HeaderOffsetY )
GetDefaultScoreInfoString Source code
function String GetDefaultScoreInfoString ( )
function String GetRestartString ( )
function String GetTitleString ( )
RemainingRoundTime="Remaining round time:"
Defender="( Defender )"
Attacker="( Attacker )"
WaitForReinforcements=" You were killed. Reinforcements in"
WaitingToSpawnReinforcements="Waiting for reinforcements..."
AutoRespawn="Automatically respawning in..."
YouWonRound="You've won the round!"
YouLostRound="You've lost the round."
PracticeRoundOver="Practice round over."
Creation time: Mo 16.4.2007 11:20:29.546 - Created with