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+-- XGame.CustomLadderInfo

Direct Known Subclasses:


Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Core.Object
MaxInt, Pi, RF_NotForClient, RF_NotForEdit, RF_NotForServer, RF_Public, RF_Standalone, RF_Transactional, RF_Transient

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Core.Object
Class, Name, ObjectFlags, ObjectInternal[7], Outer

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from Core.Object
EAxis, ECamOrientation, EDetailMode, EDrawPivot, ESheerAxis

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from Core.Object
BoundingVolume, Box, Color, CompressedPosition, Coords, FloatBox, Guid, IntBox, InterpCurve, InterpCurvePoint, Matrix, Plane, Quat, Range, RangeVector, Rotator, Scale, TMultiMap, Vector

Functions Summary
function AddHistoryRecord (UT2K4GameProfile GP, int offset, GameInfo Game, PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, UT2K4MatchInfo MI)
functionbool HandleRequirements (UT2K4GameProfile GP, array<string> SpecialEvent, out array<ChallengeGame.TriString> GUIPages)
function HandleSpecialEvent (UT2K4GameProfile GP, array<string> SpecialEvent, out array<ChallengeGame.TriString> GUIPages)
Inherited Functions from Core.Object
!, !=, $, $=, %, &, &&, *, **, *=, +, ++, +=, -, --, -=, / , /=, <, <<, <=, ==, >, >=, >>, >>>, @, @=, Abs, Acos, AllObjects, Asc, Asin, Atan, BeginState, Caps, Ceil, Chr, Clamp, ClassIsChildOf, ClearConfig, ClockwiseFrom, Cos, Created, Cross, Disable, Divide, Dot, DynamicLoadObject, EatStr, Enable, EndState, Eval, Exp, FClamp, FindObject, FMax, FMin, FRand, GetAxes, GetEnum, GetItemName, GetPerObjectNames, GetPropertyText, GetReferencers, GetStateName, GetUnAxes, GotoState, InStr, InterpCurveEval, InterpCurveGetInputDomain, InterpCurveGetOutputRange, Invert, IsA, IsInState, IsOnConsole, IsSoaking, Left, Len, Lerp, Localize, Locs, Log, Loge, Max, Mid, Min, MirrorVectorByNormal, Normal, Normalize, OrthoRotation, PlatformIs64Bit, PlatformIsMacOS, PlatformIsUnix, PlatformIsWindows, QuatFindBetween, QuatFromAxisAndAngle, QuatFromRotator, QuatInvert, QuatProduct, QuatRotateVector, QuatSlerp, QuatToRotator, Rand, RandRange, Repl, ReplaceText, ResetConfig, Right, RotRand, Round, SaveConfig, SetPropertyText, Sin, Smerp, Split, Sqrt, Square, StaticClearConfig, StaticSaveConfig, StopWatch, StrCmp, Tan, VRand, VSize, Warn, ^, ^^, |, ||, ~, ~=

Variables Detail

EntryLabels Source code

var localized array<string> EntryLabels;

LadderName Source code

var string LadderName;

Matches Source code

var array<UT2K4MatchInfo> Matches;

Functions Detail

AddHistoryRecord Source code

static function AddHistoryRecord ( UT2K4GameProfile GP, int offset, GameInfo Game, PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, UT2K4MatchInfo MI )
will be called after the default info has been added to the history record. override this to change or append additional into.

HandleRequirements Source code

static function bool HandleRequirements ( UT2K4GameProfile GP, array<string> SpecialEvent, out array<ChallengeGame.TriString> GUIPages )
Handle match requirements, return false if a requirement has not been met

HandleSpecialEvent Source code

static function HandleSpecialEvent ( UT2K4GameProfile GP, array<string> SpecialEvent, out array<ChallengeGame.TriString> GUIPages )
called when the game was a challenge game and was not one of the default special events. Fill the GUIPages array with pages you want to be opened after this special event has been processed. Yes I know this method sucks, but it was the best I could come up with without a lot of changes in the current system.


     LadderName="Custom Ladder"

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Creation time: Mo 16.4.2007 11:20:17.671 - Created with UnCodeX