Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
lssr::AsciiIO< T >A import / export class for point cloud data in plain text formats. Currently the file extensions .xyz, .txt, .3d and .pts are supported
lssr::BaseMesh< VertexT, NormalT >Abstract interface class for dynamic triangle meshes. The surface reconstruction algorithm can handle all all data structures that allow sequential insertion all of indexed triangles
lssr::BoundingBox< VertexT >A dynamic bounding box class
lssr::FastBox< VertexT, NormalT >A volume representation used by the standard Marching Cubes implementation
lssr::FastReconstruction< VertexT, NormalT >A surface reconstruction object that implements the standard marching cubes algorithm using a hashed grid structure for parallel computation
lssr::HalfEdge< HVertexT, FaceT >An edge representation in a half edge mesh
lssr::HalfEdgeFace< VertexT, NormalT >A face in a half edge mesh
lssr::HalfEdgeMesh< VertexT, NormalT >A implementation of a half edge triangle mesh
lssr::HalfEdgeVertex< VertexT, NormalT >A vertex in a half edge mesh
lssr::ListProperty< ListT >Representation of a list property in ply files
lssr::LocalApproximation< VertexT, NormalT >An interface class for local approximation operations (e.g. in a Marching Cubes box)
lssr::Matrix4< ValueType >A 4x4 matrix class implementation for use with the provided vertex types
lssr::Normal< CoordType >A normal implementation. Basically a vertex with normalization functionality
lssr::ObjIO< CoordType, IndexType >A basic implementation of the obj file format. Currently only geometry information is supported. Color / Material support will follow shortly
reconstruct::OptionsA class to parse the program options for the reconstruction executable
lssr::Plane< VertexT, NormalT >A helper struct to represent a tangent plane of a query point. Used for normal estimation
lssr::PLYElementRepresentation of an element in a ply file
lssr::PLYIOA class for input and output to ply files
lssr::PointCloudManager< VertexT, NormalT >Abstract interface class for objects that are able to handle point cloud data with normals. It defines queries for nearest neighbor search
lssr::ProgressBarA class to manage progress information output for process where the number of performed operations is known in advance, e.g. number of loop iterations
lssr::ProgressCounterA progress counter class
lssr::PropertyAbstract interface class for properties of elements in PLY files
lssr::QueryPoint< VertexT >A query point for marching cubes reconstructions. It represents a point in space together with a 'distance' value that is used by the marching cubes algorithm
lssr::Reconstructor< VertexT, NormalT >Interface class for surface reconstruction algorithms that generate triangle meshes
lssr::ScalarProperty< ElementT >Representation of a scalar ply property
lssr::StannPointCloudManager< VertexT, NormalT >A point cloud manager class that uses the STANN nearest neighbor search library to handle the data. This class calculates robust surface normals for the given point set as described in the SSRR2010 paper
lssr::StlIO< CoordType, IndexType >TODO: Write import for stl files
lssr::TimestampA helper class for automated time stamping. Timing is started as soon as an object of this class is created. To time some parts of a program, just create a new object and use the provided output operator to display the elapsed time
lssr::TriangleMesh< VertexT, NormalT >An implementation of an indexed triangle mesh
lssr::UosIO< T >An input class for laser scans in UOS 3d format
lssr::Vertex< CoordType >Basic vertex class. Supports all arithmetic operators as well as indexed access and matrix multiplication with the Matrix4 class
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