- Extends
- TeamGame
- Modifiers
- config
+-- Engine.Actor
+-- Engine.Info
+-- Engine.GameInfo
+-- UnrealGame.UnrealMPGameInfo
+-- UnrealGame.DeathMatch
+-- UnrealGame.TeamGame
+-- XGame.xBombingRun
Inherited Variables from UnrealGame.TeamGame |
ADR_Control, ADR_Goal, ADR_Return, bAllowNonTeamChat, BareHanded, bBalanceTeams, BlueTeamName, bPlayersBalanceTeams, bScoreTeamKills, bScoreVictimsTarget, bSpawnInTeamArea, CaptureSoundName[2], EndGameCommented[10], EndGameComments[10], EndGameLossRemarks[10], EndGameRemark[10], EndGameResponses[10], EndGameTaunts[10], EndGameVictoryRemarks[10], FriendlyFireScale, IncreaseLeadName[2], LastEndGameComment, LastEndGameRemark, LastEndGameResponse, LastEndGameTauntTime, MaxTeamSize, NearString, PathWhisps[2], RedTeamName, TakeLeadName[2], TeamAIType[2], TeammateBoost, Teams[2], TempSymbols[2], TGHints, TGPropDescText[TGPROPNUM], TGPropsDisplayText[TGPROPNUM] |
Inherited Variables from UnrealGame.DeathMatch |
AdjustedDifficulty, ADR_Kill, ADR_KillTeamMate, ADR_MajorKill, ADR_MinorBonus, ADR_MinorError, AltEndGameSoundName[2], bAdjustSkill, bAllowPlayerLights, bAllowTaunts, bAllowTrans, bAlwaysShowLoginMenu, bAutoNumBots, bColoredDMSkins, bCustomBots, bDefaultTranslocator, bEpicNames, bFinalStartup, bFirstBlood, bForceDefaultCharacter, bForceNoPlayerLights, bForceRespawn, bKillBots, bMustHaveMultiplePlayers, bOverrideTranslocator, bOverTimeBroadcast, bPlayerBecameActive, bPlayersMustBeReady, bQuickStart, bReviewingJumpSpots, bSkipPlaySound, bStartedCountDown, bTournament, bWaitForNetPlayers, CountDown, DefaultEnemyRosterClass, DefaultMaxLives, DMHints, DMPropDescText[DMPROPNUM], DMPropsDisplayText[DMPROPNUM], DMSquadClass, ElapsedTime, EndGameFocus, EndGameSoundName[2], EndMessageCounter, EndMessageWait, EnemyRoster, EnemyRosterName, EpicNames[21], EpicOffset, FemaleBackupNameOffset, FemaleBackupNames[32], InitialBots, LastPlayerStartSpot, LastStartSpot, LateEntryLives, LevelRules, LevelRulesClass, LoginMenuClass, MaleBackupNameOffset, MaleBackupNames[32], MinNetPlayers, NameNumber, NamePrefixes[10], NameSuffixes[10], NetWait, NumRounds, PlayerDeaths, PlayerKills, RemainingBots, RemainingTime, RestartWait, SinglePlayerWait, SpawnProtectionTime, StandalonePlayer, StartupStage, TotalEpic, YouDestroyed, YouDestroyedTrailer |
Inherited Functions from UnrealGame.TeamGame |
AcceptPlayInfoProperty, AnnounceScore, ApplyOrder, BallCarrierMessage, CanShowPathTo, CanSpectate, ChangeTeam, CheckEndGame, CheckMaxLives, CheckScore, CriticalPlayer, EndGameCommentFor, EndGameTauntFor, FillPlayInfo, FindNewObjectives, FindTeamDesignation, FindTeamFor, FindVictimsTarget, GetAllLoadHints, GetBlueTeam, GetBotTeam, GetDescriptionText, GetMinPlayers, GetRedTeam, GetServerDetails, GetStatus, IncrementGoalsScored, InitGame, InitTeamSymbols, InitVoiceReplicationInfo, NearGoal, NotifyKilled, OtherTeam, OverrideInitialBots, ParseChatPercVar, ParseMessageString, ParseOrder, ParseRecipient, ParseRecipients, ParseVoiceCommand, PickEndGameTauntFor, PickTeam, PlayEndOfMatchMessage, PostBeginPlay, PostLogin, PrecacheGameAnnouncements, PreLoadBot, PreLoadNamedBot, RatePlayerStart, ReduceDamage, RestartPlayer, SameTeam, ScoreKill, SetEndGameFocus, SetGrammar, ShowPathTo, TooManyBots, UpdateAnnouncements, WeakObjectives |
Inherited Functions from UnrealGame.DeathMatch |
AcceptInventory, AcceptPlayInfoProperty, AddBot, AddBots, AddDefaultInventory, AddGameSpecificInventory, AddNamedBot, AdjustSkill, AllowBecomeActivePlayer, AllowTransloc, AtCapacity, BecomeSpectator, beginstate, CanSpectate, ChangeLoadOut, ChangeName, ChangeTeam, CheckEndGame, CheckMaxLives, CheckReady, CheckScore, EndGame, EndSpree, FillPlayInfo, FindPlayerStart, FindTeamFor, ForceAddBot, GetAllLoadHints, GetBotTeam, GetDescriptionText, GetDisplayText, GetMinPlayers, GetNextLoadHint, GetServerDetails, InitGame, InitGameReplicationInfo, InitializeBot, InitLogging, InitPlacedBot, InitTeamSymbols, JustStarted, KillBot, KillBots, Killed, Login, Logout, NeedPlayers, NeverAllowTransloc, NotifySpree, OverrideInitialBots, PlayEndOfMatchMessage, PlayStartupMessage, PlayWinMessage, PostBeginPlay, PostLogin, PrecacheGameAnnouncements, PreLoadBot, PreLoadNamedBot, RatePlayerStart, ReduceDamage, Reset, RestartPlayer, ReviewJumpSpots, ScoreKill, ScoreObjective, SetGrammar, ShouldRespawn, SpawnBot, StartMatch, Timer, TooManyBots, TweakSkill, VehicleScoreKill, WantsPickups |
var globalconfig bool bBallDrainsTransloc;
var localized string BRDescText;
var localized string BRDescText2;
var localized string BRPropText;
var localized string BRPropText2;
var float OldScore;
var transient int TeamSpawnCount[2];
var(LoadingHints) private localized array<string> BRHints;
function AnnounceScore ( int ScoringTeam )
function int BallCarrierMessage ( )
function DiscardInventory (
Pawn Other )
static function FillPlayInfo (
PlayInfo PI )
static function array<string> GetAllLoadHints ( optional bool bThisClassOnly )
static event string GetDescriptionText ( string PropName )
function GameObject GetGameObject (
Name GameObjectName )
static function int OrderToIndex ( int Order )
function PostBeginPlay ( )
PrecacheGameAnnouncements Source code
static function PrecacheGameAnnouncements (
AnnouncerVoice V,
bool bRewardSounds )
PrecacheGameStaticMeshes Source code
static function PrecacheGameStaticMeshes (
LevelInfo myLevel )
static function PrecacheGameTextures (
LevelInfo myLevel )
event SetGrammar ( )
function SetTeamBases ( )
function Timer ( )
simulated function UpdateAnnouncements ( )
BRPropText="Delay ball contact"
BRPropText2="BallLauncher drains Translocator"
BRDescText="If checked, a player must wait a few seconds after throwing the ball before picking it up again."
BRDescText2="If checked, a player must wait a few seconds after throwing the ball before being able to translocate (or until someone else catches or picks up the ball)."
BRHints(0)="You can use %BASEPATH 0% to see the path to the Red Team base and %BASEPATH 1% to see the path to the Blue Team base."
BRHints(1)="Firing the translocator sends out your translocator beacon. Pressing %FIRE% again returns the beacon, while pressing %A:TFIRE% teleports you instantly to the beacon's location (if you fit)."
BRHints(2)="While carrying the ball, you can target teammates by pressing %ALTFIRE%. Pressing %FIRE% will pass the ball to the targeted teammate."
BRHints(3)="Pressing %SWITCHWEAPON 10% after tossing the Translocator allows you to view from its internal camera."
BRHints(4)="Pressing %FIRE% while your %ALTFIRE% is still held down after teleporting with the translocator will switch you back to your previous weapon."
GameName="Bombing Run"
Description="Each level has a ball that starts in the middle of the playing field. Your team scores by getting the ball through the enemy team's hoop. You score 7 points for jumping through the hoop while holding the ball, and 3 points for tossing the ball through the hoop. The ball can be passed to teammates, and is dropped if the player carrying it is killed."
Creation time: Mo 16.4.2007 11:20:37.375 - Created with